
Login via social media

Login with your Social Account

It is not necessary to log in to the site to access basic, public information.

Logged-in users at windfors.de have the ability to add comments and access restricted areas of the site. This feature may be used to add content, for project development, and other internal activities.

Registering or logging using your LinkedIn and Google ID means that your identitiy is authenticated by LinkedIn and Google respectively. Windfors.de receives a confirmation from those providers that you are correctly authenticated.

Registering or logging in through those services gives windfors.de access to basic information such as your name, affiliation, your e-mail address, and other personal information that you have already chosen to reveal to those services.

You can also choose to register for windfors.de directly using the “create a new account at windfors.de” option.

Login with a WindFors.de account

Use this option if you don’t have or don’t want to use your social media account.