WINSENT Wetter Daten

Für WindForS betreibt das ZSW das Testgelände WINSENT auf der Schwäbischen Alb. Die folgenden Diagramme geben Ihnen einen Überblick über das Wetter auf dem Gelände in den letzten Tagen.

North-West Met Mast

All images (c) SWE and ZSW. These data are illustrative only and have not been subject to data cleaning or quality assurance processes.

North-EAST Met Mast

All images (c) SWE and ZSW. These data are illustrative only and have not been subject to data cleaning or quality assurance processes.

North-West Met Mast

All images (c) SWE and ZSW. These data are illustrative only and have not been subject to data cleaning or quality assurance processes.

North-EAST Met Mast

All images (c) SWE and ZSW. These data are illustrative only and have not been subject to data cleaning or quality assurance processes.