Our Projects

WindForS projects address issues like social acceptance, optimisation, and how to integrate wind energy in to the energy system. Many of these projects take place around the WINSENT research facility.


Wind energy is only one use for complex terrain. WindForS members investigate interactions between wind energy facilities, people, agriculture, wildlife, and other parts of the ever-changing life in complex terrain.


Wind energy plants are designed for their environment. WindFors members measure local conditions, investigate interactions with wind plants, and develop tools to optimize the design and operation of facilities.


Like all sources of electricity, wind energy needs to be integrated into the power system. WindFors members research how power systems work today and how they might change as more renewable energy is available.

Complex Terrain Research Facility

WindForS is developing a wind turbine test site in the complex terrain between Munich and Stuttgart. This will be built and commissioned by 2020.

The research, development, and construction of the test site are supported by state and national funding.

The development of the wind turbine test site is a unique opportunity to do research into conditions there before and after it’s built.